Our entire Parish life is centered around the Eucharist; the living and real presence of Jesus Christ. We pray the sacrifice of the Mass sixteen times a week, and have a Eucharistic Adoration Chapel which is open 24 hours a day, so that all may come to know and to worship the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our academic years are also focused on the Eucharist, to encourage our children and youth to know and grow in the Lord, while providing them an opportunity to develop an authentic Christian spirituality. Following is some pertinent information regarding the first reception of Holy Communion for children, which is one of the three great Sacraments of Initiation. Adults and teens seeking the Eucharist for the first time come through our RCIA program, and receive the Eucharist at the great celebration of the Easter Vigil.
The Eucharist is the real presence of Jesus Christ; Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. As we receive Christ’s Body and Blood, we are nourished spiritually, venial sin is wiped away, and we come closer to God’s presence within us.
The Celebration of the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are exciting Parish Events. The community here at Our Lady of the Lake Church welcomes your child as we all reconcile with our God and receive our Lord Jesus Christ in Communion together. As your child approaches these celebrations, there are several events that will take place:
First Reconciliation: Practice for this sacrament will take place in your child’s 2nd grade religion class with the Sacrament taking place in January.
Retreats for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist: We have a fall retreat for First Reconciliation and a spring retreat for First Eucharist. These retreats take place on a Saturday morning.
First Eucharist in the Church: All students will meet in the Cafeteria to line up with their classes.
Note: Religious instruction is required during 1st grade in order for the child to receive these sacraments in 2nd grade.
Eucharistic Adoration is a continuation in a personal way of the communal worship of the Mass. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is an opportunity to come before Jesus physically present in the consecrated Host. The priest places this Most Blessed Sacrament in a monstrance, which holds and exposes it for viewing by the faithful for veneration in our 24 hour Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel.